The powerpack has a graphical display to easily see the current output status as bars. 4 buttons are present to navigate and access the features of the powerpack. Since this is a DMX enabled powerpack, each individual output can be patched/ mapped to any of the available DMX channels. Moreover, each channel can be used in 2 modes : Light Mode and Switch Mode. In Light Mode, the final AC output varies linearly with DMX output. This is the most commonly used mode of operation of powerpack. This powerpack also has another mode (Switch Mode) which can be used to control (mainly inductive) loads in an on-off fashion. This is just like a relay driven output. If used with normal resistive loads, the output will switch between 0V and 220V AC based on the DMX value of the currently mapped channel.

The dimmer also comes with 6 rotary knobs which support manual control. The knobs when turned off, do not interfere with DMX signals. However, when the knobs are turned on (can be done by rotating it clockwise) take precedence over DMX signals. The output will vary linearly with the corresponding knob, independent of the DMX inputs. Thus, you can control all the 6 outputs manually. Once the output is independent of DMX, the outer boundary in the bar graph disappears to indicate that currently the channel is in Manual Operation mode